Understanding the Mechanisms of Breast Cancer
What Is Breast Cancer? Breast cancer is a malignancy of the breast tissues that is usually identified as a small extra mass or lump in the breast in the beginning. If left undetected for some time, it can spread to other parts of the body including the surrounding lymph nodes. Most of the cancer of…
6 Little Known Facts About Breast Cancer
Breast cancer is a major concern for both men and women in the United States. People are well-aware of the dangers, thanks to the breast cancer awareness movement. Some women are proactively seeking screenings to detect cancer early on and are adopting healthier lifestyles to help prevent it. Those who are diagnosed with the illness…
Emotional Resilience in the Face of Breast Cancer
Maybe it was an annual mammogram; maybe you found a lump or experienced pain in your breast. Whatever it was that got you started on this journey with breast cancer, it is important to recognize that you travel the path as a whole person. That means breast cancer affects you emotionally and physically. My understanding…
Breast Cancer? What’s Next? Preparing for Your First Oncology Visit
You have just been diagnosed with breast cancer and now you face the daunting task of meeting with your oncologist for the first time. Most breast cancer patients have a wild array of feelings that overwhelm them, including fear, anger, hope, inadequacy, and more fear. It feels like insanity, but please know that this is…
The Future Of Genetic Cancer Screening
Cancer is the second-driving cause for death in the United States. In 2015, cancer ended the lives of 595,930 individuals, equaling 22% of all passing’s in the United States, as indicated by the CDC. This number keeps on rising, and it was assessed that before 2017 is over, cancer will have taken more than 600,000…
Know The Main Causes Of Breast Cancer
In today’s time, we all are aware of the term breast cancer, which happens because of the uncontrollable growth of the cells in the breast. Women are more at the risk of it than the men. It is one of the most common cancer diagnosed in women and is mainly occurs in either the ducts…
Burst The Myths About The Causes Of Breast Cancer
Breast cancer begins when cells in the breast grow out of control and form a tumor. Having knowledge related to the main cause of the condition is the only way one can prevent themselves from becoming its victim. Though due to lack of knowledge of the disease, there are a number of myths have already…
Latest Advancement in Breast Cancer Treatment
The latest advanced therapies can be an alternative to traditional therapies for breast cancer patients. These therapies are Cryosurgical Ablation (CSA), Seed Knife Therapy (Brachytherapy), Percutaneous Ablation, Combined Immunotherapy and Targeted Chemotherapy. 1. Cryosurgical Ablation (CSA): Cryosurgery is an important ablation technique for tumors. It destroys tumors by cycles of freezing and thawing. Cryosurgery’s destructive…
Genetic Screening for Cancer Helps Save Lives
According to the American Cancer Society, there are approximately 1.8 million people who will contract cancer annually. Of those, roughly 156 in 100,00 will lose their lives to the disease. Thankfully, there exists ways today to lower the risk of getting cancer. Advances in medicine now make it possible to predict the probability of many…