October Is Breast Cancer Awareness Month
Contrary to popular belief – most breast cancer is an “acquired” cancer – the genetic mutation that occurred to cause the cancer happened some time (or a number of mutations) during our life time – they are not hereditary cancers. Only 5-10% of cancers are thought to be hereditary or “germline” inherited genes. Examples of…
Understanding the Basics of Breast Cancer
There is no sense in worrying about something that you don’t understand or know much about. Breast cancer carries the stigma of an indiscriminate killer but there is much about this disease that people do not know. If you are worried about it, you should know why it is legitimate to worry and why, in…
Best 10 Health Tips for Breast Cancer Prevention
October is Breast Cancer Prevention Month. It is every woman’s duty to take care of their health. Here are some tips to protect your breasts from cancer. Exercise Regularly: “Keep moving every day”. Exercise is your best friend when it comes to any health-related problem. The more you sweat, the more calories you burn and…
Simple Tips For Detecting and Avoiding Breast Cancer
When it comes to cancers, women have to be vigilant about what is going on with their bodies. Amidst the most common forms of the malady is that of breast cancer. While it claims thousands of lives annually, it can be detected early, treated, and in many instances completely eradicated. Women today should be aware…